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As I entered her home, I noticed it was nothing fancy but very well kept. Vikki invited me in and offered me a drink. She asked me if I had shaved this morning and I told her I did as she had asked. I added that I had also packed my bag of clothes, lingerie, and my new heels. She smiled and I knew she was pleased. She said we had better get started. I asked “started doing what?” She replied that Ron was not going shopping with her, Roxy was. I guess the shocked look on my face told the story because Vikki laughed and said, “sweetie, this is the beginning of our friendship as girls,” and she insisted that Roxy would have a great time if I trusted her. Her explanation made sense and I knew inside she could be trusted. - Seamed Stockings Vol. 3


Read all three volumes! Click the images below for more information...

Seamed Stockings How did I get here by R
Seamed Stockings Can't Stop Now! By Roxy
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